Narrative 4 Event

    At the first in person Global Scholars event in around two years, Maru Castaneda, Taelor Lewis, and Babalwa Tetyana walked the audience through the thoughtful intricacies of the Narrative 4 program. 

The in-depth explanation of the process behind deciding on a Narrative 4 discussion topic with global implications was beautifully illustrated, as it was evident that the panelists were fully invested into these conversations. Many of the topics brought up concern more emotional, controversial topics such as; race, gender, and general culture in the modern world. The panelists described how they pushed students to overcome these boundaries and explore conversations without pre conceptions or bias.

    Additionally, the presence of an advocate for the program, an actual student who participated in such exchanges, was invaluable as she was able to present a student's perspective on the experience. Babalwa Tetyana, the student ambassador described interactions with students across the globe that improved her overall international identity, and allowed her to connect closely with individuals she had never actually seen in person. Her involvement in artistic expression complimented her ability to empathize, as art is commonly used as a non-verbal form of expression not restricted by experiences or language barriers. She presented a poem that she was clearly passionate about detailing her interpretations of everyday events in her life that, in a way, told a deeper story than could have been relayed simply in words.


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